Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ok, so the time is now - it has never been more true

It is finally too late...or is it. 

We have just recorded the most extreme weather conditions in one year in recorded will only get worse.

Surely, we can not live on just the hope it will be ok... if we just continue as we are. Or will our efforts actually make a difference, can we turn around the titanic, can we change the world, can we be better. YES let's be better. It is too scary, too depressing, too disgusting to think we have actually ruined it all and our children's children will be born into a world of heat, darkness and extremes. Let's not let distopia win. 

It is the time for positive change, circular economic recovery, green thinking / washing / shooting! 

Let's go green. 

But let's be honest, what does that actually mean, and do i really need to give up on all the things i enjoy...i want a healthy planet and still eat all the things i love and travel on a plane and drink a bottle of coca cola. 

Ok you are right i have not done that last point for decades, but i do often question how green do i need to be to make a difference. It all seems a bit too hard to even start. 

If i think that, if i find it too difficult than what chance do we have. I love this world, i believe in the better of community (of europe...that's another story!) we are stronger in making change where do i start. 

I want to build a community that shares green, positive, better living life hacks that count all the values of positive change together and protects the world for the better. 

I want to rap our little planet up in cotton wool, but i need help to do it, i need guidance and advice. What labels actually matter, where do i buy second hand bits and bobs, how do i share my resources such as mobility, energy, left over food. How do i measure my carbon footprint. How do i know if the companies i actually buy from, support, love and respect, actually love and respect my planet back. Who has my values, who shares my opinions and who actually cares about tomorrow?

I do not want buzz words, i do not want green washing or fear mongering. I am not a child and do not talk to me like one. I am an adult who cares, who likes to spend (i am a true blooded consumerist) i am not rich, but not poor either, i just want to make a difference. I do not want to say it is too late, it is mental health could not cope with that. 

I believe we still have a chance, we can be stronger together, so let’s start by sharing ideas. Let's go green together, little things matter, lets find the brands that do taste good and are vegan! Wines that are biodynamic and organic, holiday's that plant trees and say no to plastic. 

#wearestronger together

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