Friday, July 30, 2021

What would you do with this one and precious world?

I've always been fascinated behind the development of “consumer behaviour” and the influence authors and artists have had on society and their ability to influence change through their work. How the zeitgeist imprints on how science evolves in different areas of the world and affects the rate of evolution or more recently de-evolution. I am curious about how they are all linked, how thought-provoking ideas which are stimulated through design or communication influences political and scientific developments. Even down to the imbibe of the time influences the development of social interaction and creativity vs the constraights of prohibition and the current lockdown. Suppression of ideas and lack of communal areas or social gatherings affects the stimulation and development of creative and scientific progress.

What fascinates me is how the two (science and creativity) can develop in conjunction and different disciplines simultaneously affect how society develops and deals with moral and ethical issues. The struggle of balance between government, science and public opinion. Obviously, they’re always aligned and they certainly have a cause and effect relationship. Science, before politics, before ethics, before change? Or Art and ideas before Science…? I do believe it's a role of a modern marketer to help align those complimentary ideas in disciplines and bring them together and act as the conduit between science, art, ethics and politics. Modern day Andy Wahol. How do you drive mass consumer understanding towards things that are meant to be better for you and better for the planet? In my humble opinion, this is what a good marketer should do. We can no longer afford to be consumerists putting our selfish human values before those of the planet’s. We have to restore the balance, and use the expression of the time, the medium of choice, the language of the generations (can be various forms of communication levels) to provoke change, affecting buying and social behavior. The circular economy with the Plant as a key stakeholder is how businesses should  be structuring their “supply and demand” improving de-materialisation, enhancing transparency, and improving system intelligence and efficiencies. Less is more. 

I believe that there's such a thing as “ethical marketing” and that's not me being an idealist or a dreamer, I just choose to market things that are “right” for people or what I think is right. A true marketer understands what's right for the person at that time, in that place and in due course is able to target the offers and the solutions for that person over the course of the product (ideally consumers lifespan). A good marketer is able to engage with somebody throughout their journey and understand their needs on day one or prior to day one, as they might not even be aware of their need for it yet. However, the future understanding that somebody is going to be in that phase of life or will require that support, marketing is able to understand that journey and appeal to them each step of the way, doing it in an honest way. Honest marketing or ethical marketing is not about lying / misleading someone, it's about providing them or enticing them with something they need or want before they have even recognised it. If it is a genuine requirement then trust is built and a sustainable long term relationship is built. Consumer loyalty is a costly long game, but pay’s off for all stakeholders and shareholders in the end.

The buzzwords of “green and sustainable” are overused to the point that I am not sure consumers even know what it actually means any more. How do consumers know if hey are doing the right thing, or why are they doing it? At the end of the day, consumers are led by what businesses, art, social media tells them they should be doing. We need to be leading the change and help consumers make the right decision and not expect them to choose the right decision. More often than not they do not understand the benefits of their actions and will default to the easiest, cheapest or what their friends say they should do. It is our responsibility from this day forward to do the right thing, we are stronger together, we're not solo inhabitants of this earth, everything is a relationship, a partnership and our most powerful and influential partner is the planet. Sustainability is the only goal that the Planet (as the most powerful stakeholder) cares about and managing that relationship is just as important as managing the consumer or a shareholder.

How does one manage the planet and the consumer so they both understand the responsibility of each other? We need to start rebuilding the trust with the planet and that means respecting it, respecting nature, giving back. It is not too late, we don't have to make people afraid, or at least I don't believe so. you just have to tell the truth. I believe every business that operates today should be a sustainable business, everything that we do should be preserving and protecting the planet. Marketeers aren't politicians (thankfully!), they're not artists, magicians, scientist or poets. However, the marketer works with all of these people to ensure that they’re reaching the consumers at the right place, at the right time and providing the right product or service. This means that in 2021 and going forward we really need to respond to the effects of climate change and do our best to reverse what's happened, we need to understand that the planet is in distress and we need to make a difference to how consumers live and that doesn't need to cost more and it shouldn't cost more. Businesses have a responsibility to do everything that we can do, to ensure that we are giving the consumer the best price and not charging them for “being good”, not charging them for being green, they should be encouraged  to be green because that is the right thing to do. It's not about fear mongering or being preachy, if anything it's just about being honest. 

What I would do to make a difference in this one and precious World is to create a product or service that enhances the way people interact with one another, how they communicate, how they share ideas and how they work, giving more time to do the things that enhance their lives and makes the world healthier. Like laughter, cultural expression, debating and sharing ideas. It's about helping businesses create spaces, whether it be online or physically that allows people to come together safely and communicate, because communication is the only way that we can move forward safely and respectfully. Creating platforms physically, socially and digitally, creating collaborations of like minded people who can move forward as a sustainable force of good. I want to help businesses create environments that encourage people to collaborate, hangout, and share products and services, it is not about buying or selling. It is about upcycling, de-materialisation and co-ownership. Even if it is not always possible to create “green” physical spaces with enhanced sensory experiences. Social platforms allow us to bridge the gap from being alone to engagement with future friends, and family. Technology allows us to enhance experiences safely.  I always disagreed when they said the mobile phone caused bad habits, sure there has been a decrease in physical communication, however it has also given us an opportunity to develop communication with people we wouldn't have dreamed of knowing, but to do so in a way that builds communities that lets us take care of our environment in a socially conscious, easy, accessible and fun way.  

I want to help create spaces where working is playing, playing is collaborating and collaborating is the changing force to how we live sustainability and looking after our circular economy with the planet at the beginning, middle and end. I want to influence ideas through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd space out of a consumerist society into shared ownership forms of eBay, customer service and data of sophistication of Amazon, a platform for social, sustainable collaboration that morphis Reddit and Facebook, and the visual fun of TikTok. Using my marketing experience I want to combine all these different elements for sharing knowledge, borrowing items and discussing products and services that are better for the planet. Not just online, but physical spaces that gives everyone a chance to learn, use and share, safely and sustainably. I want to create environments that make you feel and never forget the butterfly feeling of hope, goodness and love that nature brings. Bringing people together.  

Today’s consumers aren’t looking for prolonged engagements. They want businesses to eliminate frustrations and make interactions quick, effortless, and effective. This is more important than ever during the stressed-out state of our professional and personal lives. If consumers have to expend what feels like unnecessary effort to receive support, they will ultimately spend less, leave earlier, and share negative word of mouth.

My curated environments will promote the opposite, the businesses used and marketed will encourage consumers to collaborate and “feel” good about their decisions, they will now know the positive difference that is being made to their lives, the lives of their family and friends, but in turn is protecting the planet. The businesses I help develop, promote happiness of usage from loyalty and doing good, understanding with these businesses the future that is stronger when we are together. 

I will understand what people want by looking at the developments in technology and science and bringing these to market, using mediums of today to communicate with the different consumer groups, the best in art, music and culture symbolism to allow people to make the right decision. Helping businesses become “green” and then migrate to the platform to be showcased to communities who truly care what they are sharing. Always connected, taking data from various sources, taking consumers feedback and recommending products and services that are right for them. Even down to bringing people together who are like minded to strengthen relationships. 

My marketing knowledge is not going to save lives or lead the way in political negotiations, improve sustainable development or win grammys. I just want to understand the effects of modern behaviour and use it to help businesses do what is right and only promote product and services that truly matter and don't leave a negative impact on our one and precious world. I want to bring people together and help them realise the difference our attitudes can make on our future. #wearestrongertogether. I am no longer the marketing voice of one. Today I change to try and become the marketing voice to help the world.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ok, so the time is now - it has never been more true

It is finally too late...or is it. 

We have just recorded the most extreme weather conditions in one year in recorded will only get worse.

Surely, we can not live on just the hope it will be ok... if we just continue as we are. Or will our efforts actually make a difference, can we turn around the titanic, can we change the world, can we be better. YES let's be better. It is too scary, too depressing, too disgusting to think we have actually ruined it all and our children's children will be born into a world of heat, darkness and extremes. Let's not let distopia win. 

It is the time for positive change, circular economic recovery, green thinking / washing / shooting! 

Let's go green. 

But let's be honest, what does that actually mean, and do i really need to give up on all the things i enjoy...i want a healthy planet and still eat all the things i love and travel on a plane and drink a bottle of coca cola. 

Ok you are right i have not done that last point for decades, but i do often question how green do i need to be to make a difference. It all seems a bit too hard to even start. 

If i think that, if i find it too difficult than what chance do we have. I love this world, i believe in the better of community (of europe...that's another story!) we are stronger in making change where do i start. 

I want to build a community that shares green, positive, better living life hacks that count all the values of positive change together and protects the world for the better. 

I want to rap our little planet up in cotton wool, but i need help to do it, i need guidance and advice. What labels actually matter, where do i buy second hand bits and bobs, how do i share my resources such as mobility, energy, left over food. How do i measure my carbon footprint. How do i know if the companies i actually buy from, support, love and respect, actually love and respect my planet back. Who has my values, who shares my opinions and who actually cares about tomorrow?

I do not want buzz words, i do not want green washing or fear mongering. I am not a child and do not talk to me like one. I am an adult who cares, who likes to spend (i am a true blooded consumerist) i am not rich, but not poor either, i just want to make a difference. I do not want to say it is too late, it is mental health could not cope with that. 

I believe we still have a chance, we can be stronger together, so let’s start by sharing ideas. Let's go green together, little things matter, lets find the brands that do taste good and are vegan! Wines that are biodynamic and organic, holiday's that plant trees and say no to plastic. 

#wearestronger together